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I'm Taryn! I’m a Creative Business Coach and the straight shooter Business BFF you need in your corner. Read more about me
It’s funny how quickly we can turn to every option under the sun to grow our business (or save it in a struggle) and somehow forget to start with the very foundation of our business – what we sell.
The products and offers you sell are your gateway to increasing sales but what if there’s other options you haven’t considered?
Adding additional revenue streams can be like waving a magic wand over your business that you didn’t realize you had in your back pocket the whole time!
Simply put, your revenue streams are every single thing you do right now to bring income in. Regardless of what you currently offer to customers or clients, by giving yourself the creative freedom to brainstorm new revenue streams you’re ultimately creating the safety net you didn’t know you needed. Instead of relying on one resource to bring in the bucks, diversify your revenue streams by offering additional value to your audience in new ways!
Let’s talk about how to do this and I promise it’s easier than you think!
Rethink Your Existing Offers.
Take a moment to really look at what you currently sell in your business. What problems are your offers the solution to for your customer? Don’t just think about the big problems, but consider the smaller ones as well. Imagine if you could create something new that helped solve that same problem in a different way. You may even be able to come up with additional problems you could solve for your customer with a new product or service that complements your initial one.
I’ve had artists add a virtual education revenue stream where they offer group and one-on-one art classes for those customers who wanted to learn how to paint and handletter so they had a creative outlet. I have a current client who does social media management and copywriting add a physical workbook to sell, providing her with an added revenue stream for products. After hearing so many of her Instagram followers share they weren’t ready to work with her one-on-one but wish they had a way to audit their own social accounts she dug deeper to find a solution she could offer.
Take inventory of your skillset, both interpersonal and technological, while thinking about new revenue streams and ask what wouldn’t be a huge stretch from what you’re already more than capable of?
Are you a strong designer or skilled speaker? Do you have a teaching background? Did you used to dabble in a different field than you work now? Take everything into consideration as you brainstorm adding revenue streams for your small business.
Add a Product as a Revenue Stream for Your Small Business.
If you’re unfamiliar with the product-based business world, it can seem intimidating to get started. The reality is that there are many simple avenues to go down to get a great looking product without a manufacturing background!
Think about what products you really want to offer and do some market research before jumping in. Do you see a want for this product in your market? How is yours going to stand out? Is the overhead going to be affordable for you? How will you package and ship these items if selling online? Once you know the answers, even a quick online search will show you loads of options to order mock-ups and receive pricing and shipping turnarounds.
Offer a Service as a Revenue Stream for Your Small Business.
On the opposite end of the product world, we have service-based offerings. What’s great about adding a service to your revenue streams? It’s typically cheaper upfront to add as most of your investment will be the time it takes to create your new service. Before you commit to any one option, be sure to do your research! What is the problem your service is solving for your customer and why are you the right choice to offer this service? It’s a lot easier to sell something you know people want! There are so many services you could adopt into your own business model if it’s the right fit, from consulting and planning to design services and custom orders. Find the right fit for you!
Teach Something as a Revenue Stream for Your Small Business.
You’ve spent all of this time running your business and learning so much about what you do, who you serve and the industry that you’re in. Did you ever stop to think about sharing that value?
Finding in-person and virtual public speaking and education opportunities to teach some of your skills and share your knowledge can be a very affordable revenue stream to add. You can pitch talks and classes to conferences and online opportunities, and also have the freedom to offer your own. Take things a step further than the more mainstream social media teaching options and create a paid opportunity for customers to take advantage of a webinar, e-book, or course you can offer.
Team Up with Another Brand.
Sure, great minds think alike but different minds often complement one another and make for some inventive ideas! Finding the right partner-in-crime to collaborate with can give you some amazing resources.
Need a graphic designer to help create those stickers you want to start selling? Interested in finding a co-host to launch your podcast idea? When you find the right person and brand to collaborate with, you’ll be amazed at what you learn from one another and the added value you can bring to your own brand.
Sign Up to Be an Affiliate for Brands You and Your Customers Need.
Between dealing with customers and managing your business, it can be tough to find the time and energy to grow your brand. The struggle is real! That’s where becoming an affiliate for brands you and your customers need comes in – it’s like having a personal assistant that brings in extra cash! Plus, who doesn’t love a good commission?
That company you purchase your felt for your products you from might have an affiliate program you can sign up for! The email marketing platform you love? Same thing! Find affiliate options that align with what you trust and love and that your customer would find helpful!
Let’s be real here, partnering with popular and reputable brands can make you look like pretty dang legit in the eyes of your customers. So, sign up, promote, and watch your money increase – it’s a no-brainer!
Never Stop Building.
While we’re honing in here on the benefits to your income, adding these new and separate revenue streams is always a great way to stay creative and prevent burnout in your business. Challenge yourself to think outside the box and come up with ideas that not only your clients and customers will appreciate, but you’ll enjoy offering.
Stay true to what feels right, honor the way you like to do business and make sure any new revenue streams you add helps you earn more towards your financial goals in your creative business!
Want an Expert Eye as You Reimagine Offers and Add Revenue Streams to Your Small Business?
One of my favorite things to work with creative business owners on is their offer suite and pricing strategy!
If you’re feeling stuck on how to magnify your money and add additional revenue streams, let’s explore the best avenue for you and your business with a VIP Day Experience together! Download my services guide to learn how I can hep you optimize your offer suite -and maximize your income – with a VIP day. One you read through, you can select the button at the bottom of the guide to schedule a free connection call together to get on my calendar! This call is the perfect change to get to know each other and chat about the version of your business you can’t stop thinking about!
Bite Size Education & Encouragement for Your Creative Biz
I empower women creatives just like you to show up boldly and go after what they want most to create the wildly passionate and profitable version of their business they can’t stop dreaming about. Ready to get started?
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